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The Power of Taking Responsibility for Your Life: Listening to Your Highest Self and Overcoming the Ego

The Power of Taking Responsibility for Your Life: Listening to Your Highest Self and Overcoming the Ego

The blog post discusses the importance of taking responsibility for one's life and not blaming others for personal problems. It talks about the two voices that speak to us, the ego, and the highest self, and how to find inner peace by balancing the two. The post also emphasizes the power of sitting with discomfort and making difficult decisions that will lead to personal growth.
The Power of Presence: Embracing Stillness to Improve Your Life and Relationships

The Power of Presence: Embracing Stillness to Improve Your Life and Relationships

In our pursuit of being the best, we often forget to be present and surrender to the moment. But it's this presence that leads to better decisions and outcomes in our lives. To become more aware, we must focus on our promises and practice deep presence. It's the biggest gift we can give to ourselves and those around us. Learn to just be.
Mastering Inner Strength: How to Let Go of People Who Drive You Crazy

Mastering Inner Strength: How to Let Go of People Who Drive You Crazy

This article offers advice on dealing with people who trigger negative emotions in us. I suggest responding instead of reacting and using techniques like meditation to let go of anger and relax behind emotions. The importance of being present and not getting carried away by our thoughts is emphasized, as well as the negative effects of avoiding emotions and creating energy blockages in our bodies. The message is to come back to the present moment and choose how we respond, rather than letting our emotions control us.
If Only I Could: How to Follow Your Dreams and Make Your Life Meaningful

If Only I Could: How to Follow Your Dreams and Make Your Life Meaningful

The blog post is about pursuing one's dreams and desires, and taking action towards achieving them. The author asks important questions such as why we haven't achieved our goals yet, how patient we are, and what separates the doers from the non-doers. The post encourages readers to listen to their intuition and take the necessary steps towards their goals, even if it takes years to achieve them. The author emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey and falling in love with the process of pursuing one's passions. The post ends with the message to be oneself and not give up.

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