If Only I Could: How to Follow Your Dreams and Make Your Life Meaningful
If only I could.
If only I could do this or be that.
Why aren’t we there yet?
If we really want it, why haven’t we pushed for it.
How long must we wait?
Are we patient enough?
These are all important questions. These questions are what separate us. The doers from the non-doers. The thinkers vs. the doers. What category do you fall under?
You can keep saying one day, or you can take this day and make it great.
You may not arrive at your answer until the suffering gets too immense and life throws your head to the pavement. How will we respond?
We can essentially give up by not trying, trying too little, or going the distance, and accomplishing our deepest desires.
Once you decide that you do want to listen to that little whisper that lives inside you, you know the dream that talks to us non-stop; your life will change for the better.
This doesn’t mean reality will meet your expectations, but the journey will become fun, interesting, and meaningful. Synchronicities will start to happen, doors will open up, you will get positive feedback and encouragement, your life will make more sense, and you will love what you do. I think we're all after a more meaningful life. We want our life to matter, but will we do something about it?
Our intuition feeds us instructions on just the next necessary step to take in the present moment. It’s so powerful when we listen to that nudge. We don’t have to see the whole plan, just the next step. It’s amazing how things will work out and your life will run more smoothly. This does not mean however that your life will all of a sudden be easy, just easier and smoother.
Some of us have a picture in our head that starting the hero’s journey will be too hard. This fear prevents us from starting. Do you think Michelangelo was scared about each chisel he made on the statue of David, or do you think he fell in love with the journey and process of it all? All you have to do is listen to the nudges. The more successful nudges you accomplish, the more your confidence will grow. Your life will get better and you will be doing what you love. However, you must stay patient on your course because this process will most likely take years.
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. - Earl Nightingale
You will fall in love with the journey and improve and learn each day because you will get the feeling that this is what you're born to do and what you’re good at. As Owen Cook once said, imagine Lebron James deciding to become an accountant instead of the highest scoring basketball player of all time. Sitting in his little cubicle with his 6’9” frame getting yelled out by his boss. That’s why we have to choose to follow the blueprint that is in store with us. We must do the thing we were born to do to gain great fulfillment and peace.
That inner voice will never stop bugging you. Start today and don’t give up. Ever.
Be you. Do you.