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Boost Your Well-being: 5 Simple Self-Care Techniques to Help You Feel Better

Boost Your Well-being: 5 Simple Self-Care Techniques to Help You Feel Better

He was feeling sad and depressed. It felt like the whole world was crashing down on him. What will he do?

This is the feeling we get more often than we would like. It tends to happen to us as often as we think negatively. 

You see it’s our thoughts that determine how happy we are, not the circumstances like we expect.

Given that, what can we do to increase our well-being?

There is so much we can do. The first part is to feel strong, healthy, and manage our stress. We have to feel what it feels like in our body and be as good as we can to ourselves. That’s with love and how we talk to ourselves, but also how we manage the way we feel inside.

There are many things you can do to manage your stress and feel better in your body. The ways I like best are cold showers, juicing, practicing the emotional freedom technique, meditating, and exercising.


Cold Showers


Here are the benefits of cold showers:

1. Improves circulation: Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, which can improve circulation. This can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

2. Increases alertness: Cold water can cause the body to release adrenaline, which can increase alertness and help you feel more awake.

3. Boosts mood: Cold water can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals.

4. Improves skin and hair: Cold water can help improve the appearance and health of skin and hair by reducing oil production, tightening pores, and increasing blood flow to the scalp.

5. Aids muscle recovery: Cold water immersion has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and aid in post-workout recovery.




Here are the benefits of juicing:

1. Increased nutrient intake: Juicing can provide a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds that may be difficult to obtain through diet alone. Juicing can also help you consume a wider variety of fruits and vegetables, which can be especially beneficial for those who struggle to eat enough produce.

2. Improved digestion: Juicing can help improve digestion by breaking down food into a more easily digestible form. This can help reduce bloating, gas, and other digestive issues.

3. Increased energy: Juicing can provide a quick boost of energy, as the body doesn't have to work as hard to digest the nutrients. This can be especially helpful for those who struggle with low energy levels.

4. Enhanced immune function: Juicing can provide a high dose of immune-boosting vitamins and antioxidants, which can help support the immune system and protect against illness and disease.

5. Detoxification: Juicing can help support the body's natural detoxification processes by providing a concentrated dose of nutrients that support liver function and other detoxification pathways.


Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)


The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a therapeutic technique that involves tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or emotion. Here are the basic steps to perform EFT:

1. Identify the issue: Think about the specific issue or emotion that you want to address. It could be a physical symptom, a negative thought, or a past traumatic event.

2. Rate the intensity: Before starting the tapping sequence, rate the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense.

3. The setup: Start by tapping on the karate chop point, which is the fleshy part of the hand between the wrist and the base of the pinkie finger. While tapping, repeat a statement that acknowledges the issue, such as "Even though I have this (issue), I deeply and completely accept myself."

4. Tapping sequence: Next, tap on the following points while repeating a shortened reminder phrase that describes the issue. You want to tap at least 10 x, but do what feels right for each point:

  • Inner eyebrow
  • Side of the eye
  • Under the eye
  • Under the nose
  • Chin
  • Collarbone
  • Under the arm (firm part)
  • Top of the head 

5. Take a deep breath: After completing the tapping sequence, take a deep breath and exhale. Re-rate the intensity: Finally, re-rate the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0 to 10. If the intensity has decreased, repeat the tapping sequence with a new statement that addresses any remaining emotions or beliefs.




These are just a few benefits from meditating.

1. Reduced stress: Meditation has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety by calming the mind and promoting relaxation. Regular meditation practice can also help build resilience to stress over time.

2. Improved focus and concentration: By training the mind to focus on the present moment, meditation can improve overall focus and concentration. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with distractions or have difficulty staying focused.

3. Increased self-awareness: Meditation can help cultivate greater self-awareness by promoting a non-judgmental awareness of one's thoughts and emotions. This can help individuals better understand their own patterns of behavior and thought, and make positive changes as needed.

4. Enhanced emotional wellbeing: Meditation can help promote positive emotions such as gratitude, compassion, and joy, while reducing negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety. This can lead to an overall improvement in emotional wellbeing and a greater sense of inner peace.

5. Improved physical health: Regular meditation practice has been linked to a number of physical health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, reduced inflammation, and improved immune function. It may also help reduce symptoms of certain health conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic pain.




Regular exercise is important for overall health and wellbeing. Here are five benefits of exercising:

1. Improved physical health: Regular exercise can help improve overall physical health by reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It can also improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and endurance, and support healthy bone density.

2. Weight management: Exercise can help manage weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism. It can also help reduce body fat and maintain lean muscle mass.

3. Improved mental health: Exercise has been shown to be beneficial for mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving mood, and reducing stress levels. Exercise can also promote better sleep and increase feelings of overall wellbeing.

4. Increased energy and productivity: Exercise can help increase energy levels and improve productivity by boosting circulation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to the body, and increasing focus and mental clarity.

5. Social benefits: Exercise can be a great way to connect with others and build a sense of community. It can also be a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with friends or family, and may help improve self-confidence and social skills.

I hope you enjoyed your plan to feel better in your life. The only hard part is getting yourself to actually do the things that are going to take care of yourself. It’s much more difficult at the start, but if you get into a routine it will start to get easier. Hopefully you will give these things a try to feel better during these difficult times.


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