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Where’s your target? Where’s the dream inside you? Is it buried deep or are you chipping away at it day by day?
No one is going to save you and your dream. You have to work at it day by day. Don’t let your music die in you. There are people you haven’t and have met who count on you bringing it to light.
Maybe you're wondering if it can even happen. Change your mindset that it will happen if you just take the proper steps. Your vision or something greater will happen if you let it. Only you can bury what lights you on fire 🔥. Start today with the belief that it is for you. That’s what you’re here for. What else would make you happier? We have one life. Do you really want to play it small and not make the difference you know you can? Do it for others if you won’t do it for yourself. We’re counting on you.
No one is going to save you and your dream. You have to work at it day by day. Don’t let your music die in you. There are people you haven’t and have met who count on you bringing it to light.
Maybe you're wondering if it can even happen. Change your mindset that it will happen if you just take the proper steps. Your vision or something greater will happen if you let it. Only you can bury what lights you on fire 🔥. Start today with the belief that it is for you. That’s what you’re here for. What else would make you happier? We have one life. Do you really want to play it small and not make the difference you know you can? Do it for others if you won’t do it for yourself. We’re counting on you.