You ever feel like you have too many thoughts that your head is going to explode? This guy feels it constantly. He can't get out of his head. He doesn't realize that just below his thoughts is the seat of stillness and peace.
He wishes he could find an answer, but this answer has been within him all along. I decided to tell him, "You can always retreat back to this space. Keep practicing to be happier. You don't have to kill yourself to try to be successful or find the perfect relationship anymore. Just sink deep into the present moment. Don't worry about the external. The real game is internal. Don't you think that's a lot easier?"
He wishes he could find an answer, but this answer has been within him all along. I decided to tell him, "You can always retreat back to this space. Keep practicing to be happier. You don't have to kill yourself to try to be successful or find the perfect relationship anymore. Just sink deep into the present moment. Don't worry about the external. The real game is internal. Don't you think that's a lot easier?"