Blame Game
Every day a flower blooms. Every day a person blooms. We are all in the process of blooming to our full potential. We cannot bloom until we face what’s in front of us. We must dig deep into our hearts to overcome life’s challenges. There is no mountain too high to climb.
If you haven’t given up then you are growing. You can’t see how much you're improving on the day-to-day as much as the year-to-year. It’s like what happens when a frog is placed in water that slowly becomes boiling. The frog adapts to the temperature and doesn’t realize how hot it is and will die. We are like the frog in the sense we don’t know how much we’re growing. It might seem like you are getting nowhere, but you really are blooming. Continue to bloom because nature will develop you into one heck of a flower. You’re doing great. Keep it up.