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A Better Future

This one-eyed elephant is delighted. He's happy in the sun spraying himself with water from his trunk and is really enjoying being out in nature.⁠

We're going into the age of the Metaverse where more and more energy is being used and less and less people are spending more time in nature. People today are looking at their phones for what seems like 50% of the day. One can say we are moving into a technological VR world.⁠

Let's hope that we are building a better future that we actually want to live in. Sometimes simpler is better. Anything with AI technology is scary to me. Let's be mindful of Web 3.0 as Web 2.0 (social media) led to a lot of social destruction in some sense. It seems like humans always care more about short-term gains than the long term. For example, we want to be famous now instead of being process-oriented and putting in the work. The artist Beeple who semi-recently sold his work for 69 million made a piece of digital art every single day for 20 years. That's being process-oriented.

You don't need a verification badge to verify your existence. You belong in this Universe and you will do great things as long as you stay true and connected to your authentic self. When we stay authentic that's when the coolest most valuable ideas are born. This is an exciting moment for we are creating the future we want to live in. What will you do in this lifetime to build a better future? ⁠

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